Articles and more - Database Research
Each subject matter has its characteristics - and its own sources of information. We will show you how you can find current research results, how to present the most important databases of your field of study, and give you hints about research strategies.
The database introductory course is obligatory for students of English and American Studies and Romance Studies. It is recommended for students of Germans Studies and Slavic Studies.
The course is available in the Virtual Campus. Log in to the Virtual Campus with your ba number and enrol in the course "Aufsätze und mehr - Einführung in die Datenbankrecherche".
It consists of an interdisciplinary e-learning module and a subject-specific exercise.
If you need database courses for several subjects: The interdisciplinary part only has to be completed once, the subject-specific exercise for each subject.
Presentations, videos and a subsequent test make up the interdisciplinary part of the course. Afterwards, you can work on the subject-specific content with the help of exercise sheets. Alternatively, or as a supplement, you can participate in a classroom exercise for individual subjects. Please register for this in the Virtual Campus.
Certificate of attendance
Both parts of the course must be completed in order to obtain a certificate. If you work on the contents of the exercise yourself, please send the completed exercise sheet to the e-mail address indicated on it. Please also include your date of birth and your matriculation number. If you attend a course session, you will receive a certificate of attendance afterwards.
Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
Should you have any question, please contact Dr. Inga Gerike, Tel. 0951 863-1596
Subject-Specific notes
Englisch and American Studies: The course is an integral part of the literatures seminar (advanced module English and American literature). Please note, that the introductory library course is also obligatory for students of English and American Studies.
German Studies: The course is open to all students of German Studies, who already acquired basic knowledge in researching literature (Bamberg Catalogue, inter library loans). Please note, that the introductory library course is obligatory for students of German Studies.
Romance Studies: The course is an integral part of the seminar in language studies (advanced module romanic language studies; French, Italian, Spanish). Please note, that the introductory library course is also obligatory for students of Romance Studies.
Slavic Studies: The course is open to all students of Slavic Studies, who already acquired basic knowledge in researching literature (Bamberg Catalogue, inter library loans). Please note, that the introductory library course is obligatory for students of Slavic Studies.
The course is recommended for students of educational bachelor's and master's degree programmes, teacher trainees and students of psychology.
We also recommend to attend the Introductory Library Session before participating in the database research course.
The course is available in the Virtual Campus. Log in to the Virtual Campus with your ba number and enrol in the course "Aufsätze und mehr - Einführung in die Datenbankrecherche".
It consists of an interdisciplinary e-learning module and a subject-specific exercise.
If you need database courses for several subjects: The interdisciplinary part only has to be completed once, the subject-specific exercise for each subject.
Presentations, videos and a subsequent test make up the interdisciplinary part of the course. Afterwards, you can work on the subject-specific content with the help of exercise sheets.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, both parts of the course must be completed successfully. You will receive a certificate of attendance after the tutorial.
Should you have any question, please contact Carolin Benz, Tel. 0951 863-1551.
Subject-specific notes
- Educational Science Degress: Please note that participation in the library introductory course is obligatory for the tutorial for first-year students: Introduction to Educational Science (General Education - Advanced Module I) and the seminar Fundamentals of Scientific Work and Research in Primary School Education and Didactics (Basic Module Primary School Education and Didactics II).
- Psychology: Please note that participation in an Introductory Library Course is obligatory for the course Soft Skills Psychology (compulsory module Introduction into Psychology, its Histroy and Ethical Foundations).
It is recommended for students of subjects in History and Geography to attend a database introductory course.
The course is available in the Virtual Campus. Log in to the Virtual Campus with your ba number and enrol in the course "Aufsätze und mehr - Einführung in die Datenbankrecherche".
It consists of an interdisciplinary e-learning module and a subject-specific exercise.
If you need database courses for several subjects: The interdisciplinary part only has to be completed once, the subject-specific exercise for each subject.
Presentations, videos and a subsequent test make up the interdisciplinary part of the course.
If you are studying History or Geography, please register for a tutorial in the Virtual Campus. In addition or alternatively, you can work on the contents of the exercise yourself with the help of learning and exercise materials that we make available to you in the Virtual Campus.
If you are studying european ethnology, you will be informed of the tutorial dates by the department. The exercise sheet is available in the Virtual Campus.
Should you have any question, please contact the branch library 5, Tel. 0951 863-1558.
It is highly recommended that participants of the candidate seminar visit the database introduction.
The course is available in the Virtual Campus. Log in to the Virtual Campus with your ba number and enrol in the course "Aufsätze und mehr - Einführung in die Datenbankrecherche".
It consists of an interdisciplinary e-learning module and a subject-specific exercise.
If you need database courses for several subjects: The interdisciplinary part only has to be completed once, the subject-specific exercise for each subject.
Presentations, videos and a subsequent test make up the interdisciplinary part of the course. The subject-specific content is taught in a tutorial in person. Please register for this in the Virtual Campus.
Certificate of attendance
Both parts of the course must be completed in order to obtain a certificate. You will receive a certificate of attendance after the tutorial.
Should you have any question, please contact Dr. Inga Gerike, Tel. 0951 863-1596.
How to find an article in a journal, if the journal in which it was published is not precisely known yet? And how to get from the bibliographical reference to the full text?
This course aims to provide general academical research skills. You will get to know several sociological databases and you will train to form suitable queries
You will be introduced to the databases "Political Science Complete", "SOCIndex with Fulltext" and "Web of Science". Additionally, you will get an overview over sources for statistics and data sets.
This course requires knowledge in researching the catalogue and in using inter library loans. We recommend to attend an introductory library course before participating in a databse course.
The course is available in the Virtual Campus. Log in to the Virtual Campus with your ba number and enrol in the course "Aufsätze und mehr - Einführung in die Datenbankrecherche".
It consists of an interdisciplinary e-learning module and a subject-specific exercise.
If you need database courses for several subjects: The interdisciplinary part only has to be completed once, the subject-specific exercise for each subject.
Presentations, videos and a subsequent test make up the interdisciplinary part of the course. For a subject-specific tutorial, please register in the Virtual Campus.
Certificate of attendance
Both parts of the course must be completed in order to obtain a certificate. You will receive a certificate of attendance after the tutorial.
Should you have any question, please contact Louise Rumpf, Tel. 0951 863-1506.
In this course you’ll train the economic research in the databases "Business Source Ultimate".
This course is currently an obligatory part of the seminar "Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens" (GwA II) and is highly recommended as preparation for Bachelor and Master theses. It is also open to all interested parties.
This course requires knowledge about research in the catalogue and in using of inter library loans. We recommend to attend an introductory library course before participating in a databse course.
The course is available in the Virtual Campus. Log in to the Virtual Campus with your ba number and enrol in the course "Aufsätze und mehr - Einführung in die Datenbankrecherche".
It consists of an interdisciplinary e-learning module and a subject-specific exercise.
If you need database courses for several subjects: The interdisciplinary part only has to be completed once, the subject-specific exercise for each subject.
Presentations, videos and a subsequent test make up the interdisciplinary part of the course. The subject-specific content is taught in a tutorial in person. Please register for this in the Virtual Campus.
Certificate of attendance
Both parts of the course must be completed in order to obtain a certificate. You will receive a certificate of attendance after the tutorial.
Should you have any question, please contact Branch Library 3, Tel. 0951 863-1521.
Our database course is open to all interested parties. Even if there is no specific offer for your subject in this list, you can still use the subject-specific learning and exercise materials in the Virtual Campus. Many search strategies and tips apply across databases, so that even "non-subject" participants can benefit from them.
To that purpose, please check out the documents in the Virtual Campus. Log in to the Virtual Campus with your ba number and enrol in the course "Aufsätze und mehr - Einführung in die Datenbankrecherche".
Should you have any question, please contact your branch library.