Gudrun Hanft



Markusplatz 3
M3/00.02 (Marcushaus)
96047 Bamberg

+49 (0)951_863-1805



Office hours

mondays          1 - 5 p.m.

tuesdays          7.30 - 10.30 a.m.

wednesdays     7.30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

thursdays         7.30 a.m. - 12 p.m.  &  1 - 4 p.m.

fridays               ---


  • FlexNOW problems – e.g. late registrations, deregistrations
  • Change of main subject / approval of equivalence - Hand in the official FlexNow printout (in full) to the secretary's office. The certificate will be issued as soon as possible and the printout can be collected again.
  • Seminar papers, school practice reports, or term assignments can be handed in to the secretary's office during office hours.
    Due to the individual feedback, they are usually returned during the respective lecturer's office hours.