Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act (BayGlG):

The Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act (BayGlG) provides the foundation for the equal opportunities officer’s responsibilities.

Between law and reality: the Bavarian government regularly publishes a report to outline the ways in which its legal provisions are being implemented. The Bavarian government’s sixth report on the implementation of the Bavarian Law on Equal Opportunity between Women and Men (reporting period 2014 - 2018) can be found on the following page:

6. Gleichstellungsbericht

Earlier reports:

5. Gleichstellungsbericht
4. Gleichstellungsbericht
3. Gleichstellungsbericht
2. Gleichstellungsbericht
1. Gleichstellungsbericht

More detailed explanations of the responsibilities and powers given to the equal opportunity officer can be found in the following guide to the implementation of the Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act:

Gleichstellungsgesetz Arbeitshilfen (185.3 KB) (German only)