Mausolea of the I1-khanids period (13th and 14th centuries AD) in the Region of Qom, Iran

When the Ilkhanid government was weakened (at the end of 13th century) and the local authorities started gaining more power, we witness a special development in architecture and the construction of mausoleum in the city of Qom and its vicinity. The mausoleums built in this period, religious (for Imamzade) or non-religious, have a unique architectural design. How this phenomenon came about and spread out, has always been an issue of scholarly discussion. In this project, I try to elucidate special elements of the architecture, and to question the impact of religion in forming certain architectural elements. By carefully defining the evidences in constructions' positions and studying them, the historical readings and the comparative studies of Ilkhanid Period would be a possibility.