Neuer KAM-Artikel in Industrial Marketing Management erschienen

Neuer Artikel Pardo/Ivens/Wilson, Differentiation and alignment in KAM implementation, in Industrial Marketing Management erschienen:

Prof. Ivens hat gemeinsam mit seiner französischen Kollegin Catherine Pardo und seinem britischen Kollegen Kevon Wilson einen neuen Artikel zum Thema Key Account Management in der Zeitschrift "Industrial Marketing Management" (IMM) publiziert.

Mit einem Impact Factor von 1,897 ist IMM eine der am meisten zitierten Fachzeitschriften im gesamten Marketingbereich weltweit. Laut h5-Index ist IMM im Bereich Marketing auf dem fünften Platz hinter Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Research und Journal of Marketing Research.

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Das Abstract des Artikels:

When key account management (KAM) programmes are created, they do not appear in a vacuum. Rather, they are developed in existing organizations and as a consequence the question arises of how to align the newly implemented KAM units within the host organizations.

We propose using Lawrence and Lorsch's (1967a&b) differentiation concept and the concept of frame alignment (Goffman, 1974; Snow, Rochford,Worden, & Benford, 1986) to assess how much a KAM unit is actually differentiated and how to improve alignment. In a case study, we then describe the creation process of a KAM unit at Waters IS, a company specialising in water treatment.

Based on a discussion of the theoretical concepts and the case situation, we suggest an approach to the assessment and management of alignment issues for KAM units.