Vortrag von Dr. Katrin Rentzsch und Dr. Michela Schröder-Abé auf der 1st World Conference on Personality in Südafrika

Vom 19. bis 23. März findet in Stellenbosch (Südafrika) die 1st World Conference on Personality statt. Katrin Rentzsch von der Universität Bamberg und Michaela Schröder-Abé von der Freien Universität Berlin werden im Rahmen des Symposiums "Overly Positive Self-Perceptions In The Social Context: The Role Of Narcissism And Self-Enhancement In Interpersonal Perceptions And Behavior" einen Vortag halten. Dieser trägt den Titel:

I Just Don’t Care about You! Interpersonal Effects of Self-Enhancement at School

Previous research findings on the adaptivity of self-enhancement have been inconsistent and contradictory. Furthermore, only little is known about the social consequences of an inflated self-view in adolescents. In the current study, we investigated interpersonal effects of enhanced self-evaluations of 14-year-olds in the academic context. In classrooms at school, 330 eighth-grade students responded to questionnaires and evaluated each of their classmates using a Round Robin Design. On the habitual level (i.e. analyzing perceiver and target effects from Social Relations Analyses), an inflated self-view with respect to one’s academic abilities was related to low agreeableness and high academic self-esteem, and was more pronounced in boys than in girls. Results showed that students with an inflated self-view tended to report only little liking for their classmates, but received neither positive nor negative evaluations from their classmates. Analyzing the dyadic relationships among classmates, however, revealed that an inflated self-view of a student was related to less liking of the other student and to being less liked by the other student in turn. Our study indicates that the controversially discussed negative social effects of self-enhancement especially occur in direct social interactions between certain individuals. 

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